Damiana Natali su Spotify, Apple Music e altre piattaforme streaming

Listen to Damiana Natali’s songs and compositions on the most popular audio streaming and media services provider (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal).

Apple Music

Note di Luce – Christmas Playlist
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Compilation di Natale NOTE DI LUCE

The Night of the Lights
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Brano La Notte degli Abbracci

Onde – Waves
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Brano Onde Waves

The Gold of Life
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Brano The Gold of Life

Soffio di Luce for Flute and Arch Orchestra
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Soffio di Luce for Violin and Arch Orchestra
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Dona Pacem for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra
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Dona Pacem per Soli, Coro e Orchestra

Il Cigno
The Swan

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Love Song
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Love Song

Nel Giardino dei Sig.ri Frei
Coming soon

Nel Giardino dei Signori Frei

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